
Jul 24, 2011

Sexy Shorcuts

As a continuation of my previous article, here's a list of my fav Windows 7 shortcuts-->

# Win + Tab: 3D representation of open windows. you can flip through them using the Tab key. [my fav!!]

# Alt + Tab: same as above, sans the 3D bit. :/

# Win + T: shifts focus to the icons in your task bar.

# Win + up/ down/ right/ left arrow: re-sizes your open window accordingly. 

# Win + Space: Aero peek...peek into your desktop making all open windows transparent.

# Win + D: Aero hide desktop

# Win + Home: minimizes all but selected window.

# A more fun way to do the above is- to just click on the pane of the window you want and give your mouse a "shake"....voila! it looks like magic ;)

# Win + M: minimizes ALL windows. but sadly, there's no shortcut to maximize them :( let me know if you find such a shortcut. :) or else you'll have to use a combination of various shortcuts.

# Win + (+) or Win + (-): for zooming in or out of the page.

~~well, to check out other shortcuts click here. 

Windows 7

The latest release of Microsoft Windows.

Let's check out what makes it so popular:

I won't really rant about how fast it works or about the translucent taskbar and its thumbnail preview ...Let's get to the features i love!

= Changeable themes (desktop background) :)
   like i need to elaborate

=Gadget > Soft stylus > Start finger writing
    you can use your finger as a stylus to write your document. though it gets irritating when it's unable to recognise the still works! only if there would've been a way to keep the original handwriting w/o converting it into comp fonts, adding signature and sketches to docs would've been easier..
Also, you can place your gadgets anywhere on the screen...unlike in Windows Vista.

= Windows Touch
   just pair windows 7 with a touch screen and you don't need a mouse! it also supports multi touch facility for zoom in and zoom out.

=Windows maintenance and security feature
   though it's annoying when it keeps telling you about 'unresolved problems' you have... it automatically creates a restore point which we always forget to create manually. (i know how many times i've 'restored' my data w/o personally creating a restore point :P) 

= Restore feature even in your folders
  go to any of your folder > right click > properties > previous versions
 you can never lose any data!!

= Calculator
   the basic calculator just got fancier! there are a plethora of modes to choose from. now you can crumple away all your doodled pages full of calculations :)

= Internet TV
  self explanatory, isn't it? watch/ record live TV on your PC. Period.

= Paint
  draw more realistic pictures. it's got some super features that'll help your picture get that 3D effect. but, naturally it'll take more space and loading time.

= Snipping tool
   now no more function key + print screen! just go to programs > snipping tool and your work is done!

= Windows Movie Maker
   though i really loved the Windows XP version of it.....this is not that bad! it does have some additional animation features which worked pretty well for my movies. but the only drawback i see is it's overall interface, which i found more user friendly in Windows XP. 

~ these were just a few may feel free to add the ones YOU love :)